
Conferência Episcopal de Angola e São Tomé (CEAST) pleanary in Malanje, Angola. Conferência Episcopal de Angola e São Tomé (CEAST) pleanary in Malanje, Angola.  

Angola runs the risk of normalising the scandal of poverty, Bishops admonish.

Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Angola and Sao Tomé (CEAST) have expressed concern regarding rising poverty.

Anastácio Sasembele – Luanda.

The warning by the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Angola and São Tomé was delivered by CEAST President Archbishop José Manuel Imbamba at the start of the plenary assembly.

21 Bishops from the Episcopal Conference of Angola, São Tomé and Príncipe have been meeting in the Archdiocese of Malanje, about 400 kilometres east of Angola's capital, Luanda.

Strides in awareness on safeguarding

In his speech, the Archbishop of Saurimo and CEAST President, highlighted some of the milestones that have marked the life of the Church in the region. He also made remarks about the last year of the triennium dedicated to children that CEAST dioceses have been observing.

Archbishop Imbamba said that there had been notable effort to raise awareness among priests, religious men and women and other pastoral agents on the importance and urgency of caring for and protecting minors as well as encouraging a culture of denouncing abuses against minors.

"Despite the efforts that society has made to improve the quality of life for children, much still needs to be done," said the Angolan prelate.

Social situation and challenges

In the third and final year of his mandate as President of CEAST, Archbishop Imbamba proposed that the Conference reflects on the profile of priestly and religious life.

"Our present time demands a profound inner renewal from all of us," he said.

Regarding CEAST's social situation and challenges, Archbishop Imbamba said that Angola, in particular, is running the risk of turning the scandal of poverty and misery into the new normal. The Archbishop based his arguments on reports presented by various dioceses that make up CEAST and multiple studies on Angola’ social reality.

 "Everything bad that we are living through and experiencing is due to a profound crisis of ethics," said the Archbishop, who prayed for hope and better days.

The CEAST Plenary Assembly ends on 4 March in the city of Malanje.


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04 March 2024, 15:32