
(File) Children need to be nurtured (File) Children need to be nurtured 

Children – Be united with Jesus: Celebrating World Children’s Day

Pope Francis declared the 25th and 26th of May 2024 to be the celebration of the first World Children’s Day at the Vatican. “Behold, I make all things new” (Rev 21:5) is the theme for this year’s event. In his letter addressed to children, Pope Francis says to them, “All of you, girls and boys, are a source of joy for your parents and your families, but also for our human family and for the Church, in which each of us is like a link in a great chain stretching from the past to the future and cov

Sr Oluwakemi Akinleye fsp

Children are precious gifts to their families and to humanity. Pope Francis reminds us that “Children, everywhere, are a sign of every person’s desire to grow and flourish. You remind us that we are all children, brothers and sisters. We would not be alive unless others brought us into this world, nor could we grow without having others to love and from whom to receive love.” Where ever they are, children deserve to be loved and protected. 

Raising children in the digital era

Good parental guidance is needed at every stage of a chid’s life. Today, digital technologies  give children more learning opportunities than in the past but they can also lead them to being exposed to vices such as pornography and violence at an early age. Therefore, the responsibility of parents spending more time with and guding their children can not be underestimated.

When asked about the difficulties parents face today in raising children, Barrister Mrs Virginia Mudimu, a mother and guardian from Zimbabwe, spoke about the fact that “Nowadays, parents are so busy trying to make ends meet, that they leave their children very often with television and phones. These devices are needed and useful but children must be guided on  their proper use.” She also reminds parents of the invaluable necessity of spending quality time with their children.

Do not forget those other Children

In a world where gross inequality exists between the haves and the have-nots, Pope Francis invites children to remember “all those other children and young people who are already battling illness and hardship, in hospital or at home, and those who even now are being cruelly robbed of their childhood.”

Prayer as a special secret

Teaching children how to pray and helping them grow in having a loving relationship with God is a priceless gift to them. Pope Francis shares his special secret with the children, one of having a life of prayer. “Now, I am going to share a special secret with you. If we really want to be happy, we need to pray, to pray a lot, to pray every day, because prayer connects us directly to God. Prayer fills our hearts with light and warmth; it helps us to do everything with confidence and peace of mind.” To the older children, he says, “Dear young friends, in order for us and our world to grow and flourish, it is not enough to be united with one another; we need, above all else, to be united with Jesus,” Pope Francis said.

As we celebrate the gift of children on this special occasion of the World Children’s Day, we entrust them to God’s care and commit ourselves to their care and protection.

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25 May 2024, 12:12