
 St. Anthony's bread, Benguluru , India St. Anthony's bread, Benguluru , India 

“You Fed Me”: OFM Franciscans feed the hungry in India

In the bustling city of Bengaluru in India, OFM Franciscans are feeding the hungry and homeless through the St. Anthony's Bread Centre, which stands as a living legacy of the compassionate ministry in the Metropolitan city.

By Sr. Prasanthi Mandapati, SCN

OFM Franciscans in Bengaluru, India, continue to carry out the mission of St. Francis of Assisi.

St. Anthony's Seva Nilaya, also known as St. Anthony's Bread Center, exemplifies how modern-day Franciscans follow in the footsteps of their legendary founder, St. Francis of Assis, by reaching out to those in need.

Fr. Trevor D’Souza, OFM, began a service center in 2003 to carry out to bring St. Francis' ministry in Bengaluru, drawing inspiration from his compassionate service to the poor, particularly lepers, and recognizing the face of God in every person.

Named after St. Anthony of Padua, St. Anthony's Bread is a medieval practice that entails bringing bread to St. Anthony's shrine or providing alms to the destitute in his name.

St.Antony's bread Center , Benguluru
St.Antony's bread Center , Benguluru

This charitable gesture seeks the saint's intercession for assistance in retrieving missing objects, healing, or relieving other needs. The tradition evolved over time into providing nourishment and assistance to those suffering from severe poverty and hunger.

Concrete aid in difficult situations

With the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, the year presented unprecedented challenges.

During this turbulent time, the Bread Centre emerged as a lifeline, especially for vulnerable groups such as migrant workers. It became a symbol of unwavering support and unity, where about 750 people received food and sustenance on a daily basis.

The impact of St. Anthony's Bread Centre reverberates through the heartfelt testimonies of those whose lives it has touched.

Among its beneficiaries are individuals who have experienced life-altering changes due to the support and nourishment received, including a poor migrant laborer who found refuge and sustenance at the Centre during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak.

People at the centre to receive  meals
People at the centre to receive meals

Other recipients of the Centre’s charity are everyday laborers, who barely make enough money to support their family. They could save a little more money by having their food there.

Their journey from despair to hope offers a reminder of the Centre's unwavering dedication to alleviate suffering. Those who come to the nearby hospitals for treatment, and even the patients' attendees, benefit from the Centre.

Moments of connection

Beneficiaries of St. Anthony's Bread Centre have shared the stories of transformed lives, warm hearts, and enhanced spirits, embodying the message of Matthew 25:40, which declares, "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."

This ministry's heart is its dedicated volunteers, who receive immense joy from serving others.

Volunteers serve not out of obligation, but out of genuine love and humility, embracing their ability to make a difference in the lives of people they serve.

The Volunteers serving the food to the people at the cnetre
The Volunteers serving the food to the people at the cnetre

For these volunteers, the ministry is not just about providing meals but creating moments of connection where empathy and compassion transcend the gap between privilege and need. The joy of generous service is reflected in the smiles they bring on the faces of the hungry and needy.

The work of the Franciscans embodies their faith and offers a living tribute to the enduring spirit of St. Francis.

St. Anthony's Bread Centre relies on the generosity of individuals and organizations who contribute through donations, and the impact of this ministry resonates with the community, motivating them to come forward and offer their support.

As a result, none of those in the vicinity of the Franciscan Friary in Bengaluru ever go hungry, thanks to this manifestation of God's grace through St. Anthony's Bread Centre.



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12 September 2023, 11:42