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2024.04.29 monsignor Paolo Martinelli, vicario apostolico dell'Arabia, che ha partecipato ad Abu Dhabi alla Convening of Champions

Bishop Martinelli: Interreligious education promotes fraternity

The Apostolic Vicar of Southern Arabia shares his views at a meeting hosted by the Committee of Human Fraternity and the Muslim Council of Elders dedicated to the importance of interreligious education and the promotion of ethical values.

By Vatican News

Participating in the meeting entitled “Convening of Champions. Ethics Education to contribute to global citizenship and build inclusive and peaceful societies” Bishop Paolo Martinelli, Apostolic Vicar of Southern Arabia elaborated on the concept of how religions are called to a “shared journey in which believers of different faiths learn to know and respect each other, promoting together ethical and spiritual values for the good of humanity.“

“The religious dimension is absolutely constitutive of the educational experience. In fact, religion goes to the heart of the anthropological experience as it concerns the relationship of each person with God, in order to collaborate with all people of goodwill for a society more human and more fraternal,“ said Bishop Martinelli during the Abu Dhabi event that took place from 23 to 25 April.

The meeting, hosted by the Committee of Human Fraternity and the Muslim Council of Elders was promoted in collaboration with UNESCO, Arigatou International, the Guerrand Hermes Foundation for Peace and the KAICIID Dialogue Center.

Interreligious education

According to Fides news agency, Bishop Martinelli upheld the Document on Human Fraternity signed by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar which, he said, "marks a new chapter in the history of the relationship between religions and it is a precious tool for the interreligious education.“

Noting that "Interreligious education implies, first of all, recognizing that every human being is a religious being, made to be in relationship with God and with others seeking the common good.“ Bishop Martinelli said that education “must form religious sentiment, that is, the constitutive reference to the transcendent, omnipotent, merciful and creator God who wants all the faithful to treat each other as brothers and sisters.”

Schools in the UAE

The Apostolic Vicar pointed out that the private schools the Vicariate is running in the United Arab Emirates aim to contribute to “this interreligious education that trains the new generations in collaboration and solidarity among all.” 

"Religions together have the task of reminding humanity of the need to take care of the religious and ethical dimension of life” the Bishop continued, pointing out that “Without God human beings become inhuman.”

As the Abu Dhabi document states, interreligious education communicates “hope for all humanity: the possibility of creating a more fraternal and human society, where there is tolerance, coexistence, solidarity and social friendship.”

“The new generations,” Bishop Martinelli concluded, “ask adults to be witnesses that a world of peace is possible.”

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