
Protest against the results of the presidential elections in Venezuela (file photo) Protest against the results of the presidential elections in Venezuela (file photo)  (ANSA)

CELAM expresses solidarity with the Venezuelan people

CELAM, the Latin American and Caribbean Episcopal Council, sends a message of solidarity and closeness with the people of Venezuela in light of the political crisis caused by the election results.

By Vatican News

Amid the political crisis sparked by the election results in Venezuela, which declared Nicolás Maduro the winner despite serious allegations of fraud, the Latin American and Caribbean Episcopal Council (CELAM) has sent a message of solidarity and support to the Venezuelan people.

Thousands of citizens have taken to the streets to protest what they see as a stolen election, with electoral records collected by witnesses from the Democratic Unity Platform showing the victory of their candidate, Edmundo González Urrutia.

Challenging political and social situation

The bishops of Latin American nation have expressed their support and solidarity with the Venezuelan people “in these times of challenging political and social circumstances,” writing: “We are moved by the anguish and anxiety experienced by so many of our brothers and sisters who yearn for a better future for themselves, their families, and their communities.”

Power of prayer

CELAM recalled that various Episcopal Conferences have called for a day of prayer this Sunday, August 4, while others have shown support for those “who have emigrated and live in different countries across Latin America and the Caribbean.”

In a Spirit of Prayer

Additionally, many communities “are mobilizing in a spirit of prayer,” so “we stand with these expressions of fraternity with the Venezuelan people and encourage ongoing  prayers to God, the Lord of history, to illuminate Venezuela's path to peace, justice, and the common good.” They also note: “We join the Venezuelan bishops who, as shepherds, have said  It is Christ himself who sustains our country! May discouragement and despair find no place in the life of a Christian.'”

They also pray for “the wisdom of God to fill the minds and hearts of all those responsible for making decisions in favor of the people,” while invoking the protection of “Mary, our heavenly Mother, to help us feel more like brothers and sisters.”

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03 August 2024, 12:59