
Pope Francis held a private audience with Papua New Guinea chief Mundiya Kepanga on May 8, 2024 Pope Francis held a private audience with Papua New Guinea chief Mundiya Kepanga on May 8, 2024  (Vatican Media)

Papua New Guinean children to perform 5-minute concert for Pope Francis

When Pope Francis visits Papua New Guinea next month, a group of 70 children from the Queen of Paradise project will perform a 5-minute concert to welcome him to Vanimo.

By LiCAS News

Some 70 children from the Queen of Paradise (QOP) Project are scheduled to perform for Pope Francis during his upcoming visit to Papua New Guinea in September.

Fr. Miguel de la Calle of the QOP Orchestra said the children will play musical instruments and sing for the pontiff on September 8 in Vanimo. 

“The children of the QOP Orchestra are very excited, as Pope Francis is going to listen to them in person,” the priest said in a report by The National, a local newspaper. 

Fr. Miguel said the children would be waiting for Pope Francis at the end of his 13-kilometer golf cart ride in Vanimo to bless the people. 

Maestro Jesus Briceño, who will conduct the group, described the 5-minute concert as “pure gold,” adding that they are preparing “two pieces of music” for the Pope. 

Cardinal John Ribat, Archbishop of Port Moresby, described Pope Francis’ visit to Papua New Guinea as a “blessing.”

He noted that the Pope comes not only as the leader of the Catholic Church but also as a head of state.

“I’d like to stress that the Pope comes as a person not in good health, he will be in a wheelchair. He will turn 88 this year,” the prelate said. “At his age and with all the issues surrounding his health, he still decided to come.”

Cardinal Ribat reminded the faithful that the Pope is just “a person like you and me.” However, he emphasized that “if Jesus Christ chose him to take on this important task in the world, we need to able to prepare well for his coming and welcome him.”

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22 August 2024, 10:00