
'We pray the Pope's PNG visit will enable our students to dream big'

Maddy Punsalan, Acting Principal of the Caritas Business College in Port Moresby, expresses her hopes that Pope Francis' presence among the young people of Papua New Guinea may inspire students to "dream big" and become responsible and productive members of society.

By Delphine Allaire and Deborah Castellano Lubov

"Our students, whether Catholic or non-Catholic, are excited to welcome the Pope. I hope this visit will make a difference in their lives, families, and country."

In an interview with Vatican News' Delphine Allaire in Port Moresby, Maddy Punsalan, the Acting Principal of the Caritas Business College, expressed this hope as she described the institution's mission of educating children in Papua New Guinea "to be responsible and productive members of society." 

The college, which Pope Francis visited on Saturday for his encounter with children of street ministry, is a missionary school established by the Caritas Sisters of Jesus. Their mission is to provide opportunities for students to complete their studies while advancing technologically.

The Holy Father is visiting Papua New Guinea in the midst of his 45th Apostolic Journey abroad to Asia and Oceania.

Education, faith and love

In the interview, the principal explained that the school offers a dual curriculum which focuses on both academic and technical subjects.

Ms. Punsalan said the college offers "holistic development, not just in knowledge, but also by following Don Bosco's proven system of education, which is based on reason, religion, and loving kindness."

"As part of the Salesian family," she said, "we want our students to shape the future of Papua New Guinea through youth empowerment, honing their skills and knowledge to be productive members of their country."


Our mission, she explained, "includes empowering women, and we are proud that many women are becoming more productive, contributing to society, and helping to eliminate gender discrimination."

“Our mission includes empowering women, and we are proud that many women are becoming more productive, contributing to society, and helping to eliminate gender discrimination.”

"We promote gender equality, emphasizing that what men can do, women can also do, and our doors are open to both women and men," she added.

All equal in God's eyes

Initially, said Ms. Punsalan, they focused more on young women, but as the school expands it also offers diploma programs to young men.

"The Caritas Sisters of Jesus are committed to empowering everyone to become productive and make positive changes in their lives," she noted. "Even though we are a Catholic institution, we welcome non-Catholic individuals as well."

Regardless of their faith, she explained, all are invited to participate in Eucharistic celebrations and important events.

"We believe in one God, no matter the denomination," the principal said, insisting, "we hold that all are equal in the eyes of God."

Welcoming Pope Francis

As she expressed that the institution's students were excited to welcome the Pope, she shared her hope that his presence will leave them with a lasting impact, on a personal, community, and national level.

"Being productive," she underscored, "doesn't just mean returning to their villages; I want them to dream big, not just staying in Papua New Guinea but perhaps even having the opportunity to go abroad, learn more, and discover more."

“Being productive doesn't just mean returning to their villages; I want them to dream big, not just staying in Papua New Guinea but perhaps even having the opportunity to go abroad, learn more, and discover more.”

In fact, she noted, many of the school's students are following this path, driven by passion for excellence, competence, and our values of love, purity, and diligence.

The principal expressed her hope the students will bring about positive change, "just as Don Bosco always taught us: 'Meliora eligo,' which means, 'We always choose the better things.' We aim to provide better opportunities for their future."

Holy Father's concern for education and youth

Pope Francis' philosophy, said Ms. Punsalan, "aligns with ours, as he focuses on education and youth," and shared their desire to show the Pope "that his vision is being realized through the work of the sisters, lay mission partners, and religious individuals."

"We have prepared our students through evangelization and education," the principle concluded, "helping them understand who the Pope is and his role in religious society, regardless of denomination."

"There is no discrimination here; it is truly for everyone."

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07 September 2024, 10:23