
Bishop Leandro Maria Alves, Secretary of the Bishops' Conference of Timor-Leste Bishop Leandro Maria Alves, Secretary of the Bishops' Conference of Timor-Leste 

Pope will encourage Catholics in Timor-Leste to live out their faith daily

As Pope Francis begins the third leg of his 45th Apostolic Journey to Asia and Oceania, Vatican News speaks to the Secretary general of the Episcopal Conference of Timor-Leste and the vicar of the Archdiocese of Dili about the expectations from the papal visit and the challenges facing the small Catholic Asian nation

By Fr. Bernardo Suate and Lisa Zengarini - Dili

The groundswell of crowds gathered in the roads of Dili to welcome Pope Francis on Monday as he travelled from the airport to the Nunciature confirms the great joy and anticipation  of East-Timorese people for the papal visit.

Bishop Alves: visit to confirm Catholic faith in Timor-Leste

As the Pope prepared to travel to the Catholic semi-island nation bordering Indonesia, Bishop Leonardo Maria Alves of Baucau, Secretary General of the Episcopal Conference of Timor-Leste (CETL), explained to Vatican News’ Fr. Bernardo Suate that the Catholic faithful in the country have been eagerly awaiting the Holy Father  and are expecting “many blessings from God, through him.”

“This is an important and remarkable moment for the East-Timorese people, and particularly for Timorese Christians,” he said, remarking  that “the papal visit will confirm our faith in Christ and also our fidelity to the Church and, especially, to Pope Francis.”

Bishop Alves further noted that young people, who make the majority of the population and in the Church, have  have shon particular enthusiasm  during the preparations. 

Fr. Jovito Rego: great expectations

The vicar for pastoral activities of the Archdiocese of Dili, Fr. Jovito Rego de Jesus Araújo, confirmed these feelings: “Pope Francis, is truly living what he preaches: a Church that goes out to meet those who are forgotten,” he said, remembering that Timor-Leste is a “very small” Catholic country in Asia.

Fr. Jovito Rego de Jesus Araújo, vicar of the Archdiocese of Dili
Fr. Jovito Rego de Jesus Araújo, vicar of the Archdiocese of Dili

He recalled that Pope Francis was expected in 2019 and when the visit was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic the East Timorese were extremely disappointed. This is why, he explained, their enthusiasm is even greater now: "With the Pope's health issues at this moment, it was hard to imagine that he would come to visit us."

Intense preparations for the visit

Fr. Jovito then explained how they have prepared for the visit, both logistically in collaboration with the government, and spiritually.

At a spiritual level, the three Dioceses of the country (Dili, Bacau and Maliana) have organized special catechism lessons on the Pope's biography, his encyclicals, his mission as the Successor of Peter and the significance of his visit to Timor-Leste.

The Bishops also organized a national spiritual retreat on the central theme of the visit, "May your faith become your culture," highlighting the importance of connecting faith to culture through inculturation.

Challenges in East Timorese society

In the interview the vicar of the Archdiocese of Dili also mentioned the several  "less visible" challenges still facing Timor-Leste after two decades of independence , including ongoing "political tensions, reconciliation, moral issues and corruption.”

He said he hopes that Pope Francis will learn about this situation and always keep the people of Timor-Leste in his heart.

Visit will encourage a more synodal Church in Timor-Leste

Finally Fr. Jovito expressed his hope that the theme of the papal visit might inspire Timorese Catholics to live out their faith “not only in words but in practice”, walking together as  a synodal Church  in communion with the Pope  and actively participating in its mission.

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09 September 2024, 13:59