
2024.10.25 The 18th National Assembly of the Forum of Religious for Justice and Peace in Indore, India 2024.10.25 The 18th National Assembly of the Forum of Religious for Justice and Peace in Indore, India  (forum-of-religious-for-justice-and-peace-indore-india)

India: Catholic religious pledge to promote integral ecology

At the 18th Convention of the Forum of Religious for Justice and Peace, members decide to adopt simpler lifestyles, live closer to the poor, and avoid unnecessary consumption and extravagance.

By Sr. Florina Joseph, SCN

The members of the Forum of Religious for Justice and Peace committed to sustainable living and addressing environmental and humanitarian concerns during their 18th National Meeting (October 18-20) in Indore, India.

The meeting, themed “Pilgrims of Hope: Towards Integral Ecology,” included participants from 24 congregations across 15 states, according to Matters India.

Experts highlighted social realities and emphasized the urgency of responding proactively to environmental issues and the structural barriers hindering the development of marginalized communities.

Addressing environmental and humanitarian crises

The assembly also drew attention to the environmental and humanitarian crises. Participants noted that the growing "religion" of economic growth, along with the commodification and capitalization of natural resources, pose a severe threat to the environment and humanity.

Members expressed disappointment with India’s poor progress in achieving the goals set by the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris, a legally binding international treaty to combat climate change.

Adhering to a personal transformation based on the Gospel values, the group decided to adopt “simpler lifestyles, live closer to the poor, and avoid unnecessary consumption and extravagance” to save “our common home”.

The assembly called for structural transformation, urging action beyond “mere tokenism, cosmetic activities, or superficial measures.” One of the key action plans was to boldly oppose anti-environmental policies and legislation that benefit the wealthy while neglecting the human rights of the poor.

The forum stressed the importance of “democratization through decentralization” and “recognizing people as the foundation of democracy” to overcome such crises.

In response to these challenges, the members pledged to engage in intensive research, document authentic data, and raise awareness among children and youth. They also committed to increasing collaboration with individuals and groups to protect the earth and to oppose eviction of people for development projects.

“The plan of action is both practical and futuristic,” said Sr. Roselyn Karakattu SCN, a member of forum, in an interview with Vatican News. “We are happy to approve the revised Constitution of the forum.”

Forum of Religious for Justice and Peace

Founded in 1987, the solidarity group of religious women and men has been working for justice within the Church and in society at large.

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25 October 2024, 10:31