
2024.06.25 Tourist to pilgrim podcast copertina 5-16

From Tourist to Pilgrim - Ep. 10: St. John Lateran

No site offers more hope than Saint John Lateran, the Cathedral of Rome. The mixture of its decorative styles reminds us that over the two thousand years of its history, Christianity has seen war, disasters, and persecution.

Yet the Church endures, despite all setbacks, and she becomes more beautiful as the years go on. The first Roman Christian Basilica founded by Emperor Constantine celebrates those who died under persecution and the hard-won gift of being able to share and proclaim our faith.

"From Tourist to Pilgrim" is a podcast by Liz Lev, with original music by Mara Miceli and Umberto D'Auria, editing and sound design by Mara Miceli, and directed by Johana Bronkova.

30 July 2024