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Pope Francis during the Sunday Angelus Pope Francis during the Sunday Angelus 

Pope Angelus: Jesus, spouse of God’s people

Before the recitation of the Angelus prayer, Pope Francis focuses on Sunday’s Gospel reading, the Wedding at Cana.

The Pope emphasized that Jesus’ miracle of changing the water into wine was done “not to arouse wonder, but to reveal the Father's love.

A new Covenant of love

The Pope explained that, it is not by chance that at the beginning of Jesus' public life there is a wedding ceremony. In fact, he went on to say, “the whole mystery of the sign of Cana is based on the presence of this divine spouse who is beginning to make himself known.” “Jesus”, the Pope said, “ manifests himself as the spouse of God's people, announced by the prophets, and reveals to us the depth of the relationship that unites us to Him: it is a new Covenant of love.” By transforming into wine the water of the amphorae used "for the ritual purification of the Jews" Pope Francis explained, “Jesus makes an eloquent sign: he transforms the Law of Moses into the Gospel, the bearer of joy.”

“Do whatever he tells you”

The Pope also noted Mary's words to the servants underline the spousal picture at Cana: "Do whatever he tells you".  Also today, said the Pontiff, “Our Lady says to all of us: "Do whatever he says to you. These words are a precious inheritance that our Mother left us.”

Then the Pope said, “I would like to underline an experience that certainly many of us have had in our lives. When we are in difficult situations, when problems occur that we do not know how to solve, when we often feel anxiety and anguish, when we lack joy, go to Our Lady and say: "We have no wine. The wine is finished: look at how I am; look at my heart, look at my soul". Tell the mother. And she will go to Jesus and say: "Look at this, look at this: she/he has no wine". And then, she will come back to us and say to us, "Whatever he says to you, do it.

Serving the Lord means, underlined Pope Francis means, “ listening to and putting his word into practice. It is the simple and essential recommendation of the Mother of Jesus, it is the program of life of the Christian.” He continued, “for each of us, to draw from the amphora is to entrust ourselves to the Word and the Sacraments to experience the grace of God in our lives.”

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