
Pope Francis meets a delegation of the National Council of the Principality of Monaco Pope Francis meets a delegation of the National Council of the Principality of Monaco 

Pope urges Monaco to continue working for the common good

Pope Francis on February 2 met some 40 members of the National Council of the Principality of Monaco.

By Robin Gomes

Pope Francis on Saturday encouraged the Principality of Monaco to continue working for the common good of the human community, by promoting a future for every citizen in the fundamental respect for the dignity of persons and of every human life.

He made the exhortation to some 40 members of a delegation of the National Council of the Principality of Monaco, which is the parliament of the tiny sovereign city-state on the French Riviera.

Environment and man

Pope Francis commended the principality’s commitment to the service of the environment, especially through the Albert II Foundation of Monaco in collaboration with the Catholic Church, other Christian Churches and NGOs.  It helps fight global warming and its consequences by contributing to various projects in disadvantaged countries, in areas of family support, education, health and socio-economic aid.

Nurturing trust in youth

He hoped their initiatives be a leaven of hope that helps generate an attitude of trust in the future and in others, whoever they may be.  He particularly urged Monaco to strive to create trust between young people and adults, encouraging the youth to commit themselves in the service of the common good of their country and the whole world. 

“In a time of growing distrust and selfishness, sometimes even rejection,” the Pope said, “there is an urgent need to forge links between individuals and countries, so that each may grow in a joyful sense of his own responsibility as an inhabitant of the world, a citizen and an actor of the future.”


In this regard, Pope Francis noted that the citizens of Monaco have found inspiration in the values of the Gospel and its message of love.  This, he said, gives them the opportunity to make the Gospel take root and bear fruit in their own lives and beyond, in the service of politics, dialogue between cultures, justice and fraternity.

Building peace

“Never before has an appeal to the moral conscience of man become necessary in an age of such human progress as today,” Pope Francis said, recalling the words of Pope St. Paul VI.

The danger, he pointed out, comes neither from progress nor from science. “The real danger lies in man, master of ever more powerful instruments, suitable for ruin and the highest conquests!” Hence, in order to rethink our common destiny and build it, we must be aware of our responsibility and take the path of peace with ourselves, of peace with others and of peace with creation.

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02 February 2019, 14:06