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Pope at Angelus: Never tire of sowing goodness, following Jesus' example

At the Angelus prayer on Sunday, Pope Francis turns to the parable of the sower and urges Christians to follow Jesus' example and never cease to sow the Word, even when, at times, it seems difficult.

By Francesca Merlo

Addressing the faithful gathered in St Peter's Square for his Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis turned to the day's Gospel passage containing the parable of the sower.

The Pope explained that he is attracted by the metaphor of sowing and invited everyone to do as Jesus does. The Pope noted that, although Jesus knows our 'soil', He does not tire of trusting that the fruit will be abundant. 

Jesus never stops sowing

In commenting on the parable, Pope Francis looked into the image of sowing, focusing on the freedom of the person, to accept or not to accept the Word that is the seed, and insisted on Jesus' 'obstinacy' in trusting that the 'soil', the heart of each person, can be fruitful.

"Jesus, the 'good sower'", said the Pope, "does not tire of sowing it with generosity. He knows our soil. He knows that the stones of our inconstancy and the thorns of our vices can choke the Word, yet He always hopes that we can bear abundant fruit."

An encouragment to parents

Pope Francis then went on to address, in particular, parents, focusing on their task of passing on the faith.

The Holy Father noted that parents should not be discouraged if at times their children do not seem to understand or appreciate their teachings.

"The good seed remains", explained the Pope, and will "take root in due time."

An invitation to young people

The Holy Father then turned to young people, and, in particular, the ways in which they too can sow the Word.

The Pope focused especially on prayer and closeness, explaining that "it is a small seed that you cannot see, but with which you entrust everything you live to Jesus, and so He can make it ripen".

He also urged young people to take the time "to dedicate to others, to those most in need. It may seem lost," he said, "but in reality this is holy time, while the apparent satisfactions of consumerism and hedonism leave one empty-handed."

To priests and lay people

Finally, Pope Francis addressed priests, religious and lay people, and urged them not to be discouraged if they do not see immediate success when proclaiming the Word.

"Let us never forget: when proclaiming the Word even where nothing seems to be happening, in reality the Holy Spirit is at work and the Kingdom of God is already growing, through and beyond our efforts."

Pope Francis, bringing his catechesis to a conclusion, entrusted all those gathered, both online and in person. to the Blessed Virgin of Mount Carmel, on the day in which she is venerated, and he asked everyone to ask themselves: "Do I sow goodness?"

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16 July 2023, 12:10

Latest Angelus / Regina Coeli

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