
Pope to children in Verona: With your friend Jesus, go against the tide!

Encountering children in the Italian city of Verona, Pope Francis urges them to be empowered by the joy of Jesus' love and friendship to go against conventional thinking, to pursue what is good, and to work toward peace.

By Deborah Castellano Lubov

With the joy of Jesus' love and faith, you can be peacemakers and can surpass all difficulties...

This was the comforting reminder Pope Francis offered children and young people in Verona on Saturday morning, during his one-day pastoral visit to the northern Italian city, during which he responded to three questions, before leading them in prayer.

When asked how to discern Jesus' voice, the Holy Father called on the children to recall how great they feel when they do something good, and how bad they feel when they do something wrong. As the children enthusiastically responded to the Pope's questions, he explained that the good feeling they experience after doing a good gesture is how they feel as the Lord speaks to them.

Pope Francis with children in Verona
Pope Francis with children in Verona

The next question dealt with how to be peacemakers. In this context, the Pope encouraged them to, together,  "be a sign of peace," in which they listen to, share, and play with one another, without fighting.

The final question was about maintaining faith even at difficult times.

Jesus consoles and empowers us

The Holy Father lamented the many difficulties of life, mentioning the loss of loved ones, especially relatives, and recalling the terrible wars underway, and went on to express his belief that the joy that the Lord gives us, consoles us and enables us to push through whatever comes our way.

With Jesus at their side, the Pope told the children, they truly can become peacemakers, and he encouraged them to courageously, and with faith, go against the tide, and use their gifts to help others.

"Don't be afraid to go against the tide if you want to do a good thing, do you understand?" he insisted.

“Don't be afraid to go against the tide if you want to do a good thing, do you understand?”

Before some performances by the children, the Holy Father said, let's first pause to pray an "Our Father" all together, and then imparted upon them his Apostolic Blessing.

Pope meets children and young people in Verona
Pope meets children and young people in Verona

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18 May 2024, 11:27