
Mrs Ada Miotti Parolin (left)  the motter of Cardinal Pietro Parolin Mrs Ada Miotti Parolin (left) the motter of Cardinal Pietro Parolin  (© altovicentinoonline)

Cardinal Parolin receives Pope’s telegram on death of his mother

Pope Francis sends a telegram to Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin celebrating the funeral of his late mother Ada

ByVatican News

Pope Francis sent a telegram of condolences on Tuesday to Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin, who is celebrating the funeral of his late mother. Ada Miotti Parolin passed away on Saturday 31 August at the age of 96. The funeral is taking place,  this morning in the parish church of Schiavon, located in the northern Italian Province and Diocese of Vicenza.

In the telegram Pope Francis, who has just arrived in Jakarta, Indonesia, for his 45th Apostolic Journey in Asia and Oceania expresses his spiritual closeness to Cardinal Parolin and his family and assures them of his prayers. “While I entrust your dear relative to the mercy of the Father who gives life,” reads the telegram “I raise my prayer to the Lord to welcome her into eternal joy”.  Pope Francis concludes by invoking “consolation in faith in the risen Christ” for the mourning family and sending his paternal blessing.

Cardinal Parolin had to postpone his departure aboard the papal plane to Jakarta on Monday and is expected to join Pope Francis after the funeral.


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03 September 2024, 10:18