
Pope at Audience: Faith frees us from thinking everything ends here

During his weekly General Audience on Wednesday, Pope Francis reassures the faithful that the Holy Spirit offers us eternal life and that keeping this in mind, with a steadfast faith, "frees us from the horror of thinking that everything ends here."

By Deborah Castellano Lubov

"Faith frees us from the horror of having to admit that everything ends here, that there is no redemption for the suffering and injustice that reign sovereign on earth."

Pope Francis gave this comforting reminder during his weekly General Audience on Wednesday morning in St. Peter's Square, as he continued his catechetical series on the Holy Spirit.

This week, the Pope transitioned from discussing what has been revealed to us about the Holy Spirit in Sacred Scripture, to how He is present and at work in the life of the Church.

"The Holy Spirit is present and operates in our Christian life," the Holy Father said, stressing the Spirit "dwells in us" and "is within us."

Pope Francis at General Audience
Pope Francis at General Audience

'The Holy Spirit is the Lord'

During his remarks, the Pope traced the Holy Spirit’s role throughout Church history and His power to advance reconciliation and relationships among Christians.

Pope Francis also reminded those gathered that within the life of the Blessed Trinity, the Holy Spirit is “consubstantial,” equal in divinity with the Father and the Son, and that as “giver of life,” the Holy Spirit gives us a share in Christ’s own life and victory over sin and death.

In this context, he stressed that the Spirit is indeed God. "The Holy Spirit is the Lord. He is God," he said.

Consoling news for the faithful

"In all of this," he asked, "where is the great and consoling news for us?"

"It is," he responded, "that the life given to us by the Holy Spirit is eternal life!" 

With faith, Pope Francis reassured, we can have the peace of mind of knowing that there is more that follows beyond the miseries of this life and world.

St. Paul's letter to the Romans, the Pope suggested, reassures of this when he writes, "If the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also through His Spirit who dwells in you.”

Faith gives us hope and peace

Pope Francis concluded by urging the faithful to cultivate faith also "for those who, often through no fault of their own, are deprived of it" and cannot find meaning in life.

“And let us not forget,” he said, “to thank Him, who with His death, obtained this inestimable gift for us!”

One can read the Pope's full remarks at the General Audience on the Vatican website.

Pope Francis at General Audience
Pope Francis at General Audience

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16 October 2024, 09:30