Pope Francis greets the Carmelite Sisters Messengers of the Holy Spirit Pope Francis greets the Carmelite Sisters Messengers of the Holy Spirit  (VATICAN MEDIA Divisione Foto) #SistersProject

Pope: Gossip undermines preaching of the Gospel

Pope Francis meets with the Carmelite Sisters Messengers of the Holy Spirit, and invites the religious women to lead a life of prayer and evangelization in line with their tradition.

By Devin Watkins

“The words of St. Paul should resonate in the heart of every baptized person: ‘Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel!’”

Pope Francis offered that reminder on Friday as he held an audience with the Carmelite Sisters Messengers of the Holy Spirit, many of whom traveled on pilgrimage from Brazil and parts of Europe.

He recalled that this year has seen the institute celebrate their 40th anniversary and elect a new leadership team during their 4th General Chapter.

The Pope said the year offers the religious sisters a “beautiful reminder of the daily commitment to the service of evangelization and the spreading of the Word of God, which must reach everyone.”

He added that all Christians have the duty to preach the Gospel to the whole world, urging religious to always avoid the temptation to gossip.

"Gossip is opposed to preaching the Gospel, because gossip leads us to condemn others," he said. "The Gospel, however, is always welcoming."

As Carmelites, said the Pope, the religious have a special mission to lead of life of evangelization and prayer.

“In your Institute,” he concluded, “this missionary drive for evangelization in various fields is closely connected with contemplation and a life of prayer that follows the ancient and beautiful Carmelite tradition.”

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06 December 2024, 11:59