Vatican Museum: Beauty that unites! 28
Manifattura Fiamminga, Brussels; cartoon: Raphael’s School, Resurrection, Tapestry: Scuola Nuova series, wool, silk and silver and gold, 1524-31, Vatican Museum, Vatican Apostolic Palace, Gallery of Tapestries © Musei Vaticani
In the Risen Christ all creation rises to new life.
From the moment when your tomb, O Christ,
was found, there began the time in which
the whole of creation sings your name
“which is above every other name” and awaits
your final return in glory. During this time,
between Easter and the coming of your
everlasting Kingdom, a time like the travail
of giving birth (cf. Rom 8:22), sustain us
in our dedication to building a more human world,
a world soothed by the balm of your Love.
Paschal Victim offered for the salvation
of the world, grant that this commitment
of ours will not falter, even when weariness
slows our steps. You, victorious King,
grant to us and to the world eternal salvation!
(John Paul II, Urbi et orbi, 15 April 2001)
Under the direction of: Paolo Ondarza
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