
Professor Paolo Garonna during an audience  of the  Centesimus Annus pro Pontifice Foundation with Pope Francis Professor Paolo Garonna during an audience of the Centesimus Annus pro Pontifice Foundation with Pope Francis  (Vatican Media)

New President of Centesimus Annus Foundation appointed

Professor Paolo Garonna succeeds to Professor Anna Maria Tarantola as new President of the Vatican-chartered academic institution founded in 1993 to promote the legacy of the St. John Paul II’s social encyclical by the same name.

By Vatican News

Vatican authorities announced on Monday the appointment of Professor Paolo Garonna as new President of the Centesimus Annus pro Pontifice Foundation, the Vatican-based non-profit lay organization aimed at promoting the Catholic social teaching.

Garonna, who has been a member of the Scientific Committee of the Foundation since 2008, succeeds to Professor Anna Maria Tarantola, former Deputy Director General of the Bank of Italy and President of RAI (the Italian Public services broadcaster) who has held the post since March 2019, and has announced she won’t renew her term for personal reasons.

Paolo Garonna is professor of Economic Policy at the LUISS Guido Carli University, in Rome. After graduating from the Sapienza University in Rome, he carried out studies and research in the USA  at the University of Denver, Colorado,  and in the UK at the University of Cambridge.

He has held several positions  inclusing that of Deputy Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Director General of ISTAT (the national Statistical office of Italy), Chief Economist at Confindustria (the Italian main business association) and Secretary General of the Italian Federation of Banks, Insurance and Finance. He is the author of studies and publications on the Catholic Social Teaching, economics and finance.

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02 September 2024, 14:44