US and Mexico discuss 'undocumented' migrants crisis
By James Blears
The crisis is increasing, with ten thousand migrants illegally crossing into the United States daily. US Customs and Border Protection, says almost two hundred thousand people were detained in November.
Mexican President, Andres Lopez Obrador, says he`s willing to try and help stem the deluge, but he points out that it's more humane to invest in the development of people.
Poverty, unemployment, street gangs
Economic stagnation, street gangs and acute widespread poverty are the reasons that many migrants are giving for leaving their homelands.
One youth said he was being coerced into joining a street gang and failure to do so would mean death for him and his family. He said he`d take any job in the US to support his loved ones.
Currently, a migrant caravan of seven thousand men, women and children mostly from Honduras, Venezuela and Haiti, is crossing Mexico, and trekking towards the Border with the United States. One of its banners reads: "Exodus from poverty."
The US State Department says this meeting focuses on: "Unprecedented irregular migration, seeking ways both nations can address border security challenges."
Border wall
A Border Wall, bristling with even more fortifications, using the latest technology, including sensors and drones is being described by non-governmental organizations, as a lone stone in a river, overflowing with a tsunami of despair.
The only way to tackle and resolve this crisis is sustained major investment in the affected countries. Mexico has offered work visas and jobs, but this won't deflect or deter the majority, who see the United States as the El Dorado land of opportunity and the panacea to all their woes.
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