
The Nicaraguan political prisoners released on 5 September 2024 The Nicaraguan political prisoners released on 5 September 2024  (AFP or licensors)

Nicaragua releases 135 political prisoners

Following diplomatic pressure from the United States, the Nicaraguan Government releases a group of political prisoners on humanitarian grounds who have been transferred to Guatemala.

By L'Osservatore Romano

The U.S. administration has brokered the release of 135 political prisoners detained in Nicaragua for humanitarian reasons.

This was announced by the White House following a mediation with the government of President Daniel Ortega.

US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan specified that those released include 13 members of the Mountain Gateway organization based in Texas, lay Catholics, and students.

Transfer to Guatemala

According to the White House, the group has already been transferred to Guatemala, whose government "generously" agreed to accept them.

The US added that "these individuals will be offered the opportunity to seek legal avenues to rebuild their lives in the United States or other countries."

Upon their arrival in Guatemala City, the 135 people were welcomed by local authorities and organizations that assist migrants.

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06 September 2024, 15:54