
GreenAccord annual forum welcome panel, 10 October GreenAccord annual forum welcome panel, 10 October 

Climate conference in Rome focuses on "Building Future Together"

The 16th International Greenaccord Fourm opens with panels dedicated to empowering women, the value of sport, politics and communication, and the environment.

By Francesca Merlo - Greenaccord Forum in Rome 

“Building Future Together”, Greenaccord’s three-day International Forum on the climate seems to focus on the three words that make up this year’s theme, each complementing the other with the end goal of better understanding, and ultimately, beating the climate crisis.

Journalists, media representatives, and climate activists from all walks of life have gathered between Rome and the town of Frascati in the Alban Hills, to share ideas, concerns and hopes as they work to, effectively, as the slogan says, build our future together.

A battle fought together

From opening in Rome with a panel on the importance of the role of women, to closing, according to the programme, in Frascati, with a panel on the role of politicians and political institutions, this 16th international forum emphasises the word “together” right from the very start. It’s true, no changes can be made without involving people from all walks of life, and all members of society.

Small contributions for the greater good

Recalling the legend of the hummingbird, who tried to extinguish the fire with a single drop of water, Annalisa Corrado, speaking during the opening panel, was the first to emphasize the word “building”, which, of course, goes hand in hand with “together”. It’s a simple concept: every contribution is valuable, she said, and little by little, "however little", if we all put in that effort, results can be achieved. In other words, abolish the “I won’t make a difference alone” mentality.

Working hard for what is to come

“Future” was in all the interventions that made up this first day of events. It’s what we are all encouraged to protect. But the most poignant words on the future came from Elena Pantaleo, a kickboxing champion representing women but also representing young people and sportsmen and women. She made the comparison that just as sporting achievements are not made unless you put heart and soul into all that you do, we cannot expect changes to be made in the climate unless we, too, "put heart and soul into them”.

Agriculture, sports, the question “How long will our children be able to play outside?”. These are themes that take centre stage at this forum. They’re important questions and we’ll be seeing, over the next few days, what answers Greenaccord comes up with…

The programme for the conference
The programme for the conference

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10 October 2024, 15:42