Association of Consecrated Women in Eastern and Central Africa (ACWECA) Board members Association of Consecrated Women in Eastern and Central Africa (ACWECA) Board members 

Religious women in Africa prepare to celebrate golden jubilee of their association

Malawi’s religious women will host golden celebrations of the Association of Consecrated Women in Eastern and Central Africa (ACWECA) from 19 August to 24 August 2024 in Lilongwe, Malawi. It will also be the 19th Plenary Assembly of the Association.

Sr. Helen Kasaka, LSMI – Nairobi.

ACWECA is the umbrella body of Catholic consecrated religious sisters in countries of the Eastern and Central Africa. The ACWECA region comprises 10 countries: Sudan, South Sudan, Malawi, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Eretria, and Zambia. Zimbabwe is an affiliate member.

Ongoing fundraising activities

ACWECA Secretary General, Sr. Bridgita Samba Mwawasi, says all is set for Malawi to host the long-awaited 19th Plenary Assembly at the Golden Peacock Hotel in Lilongwe. She said preparations for the two-tier celebrations are now at an advanced stage.

Sr. Mwawasi further assured that the main organising committees and subcommittees were on course and finalising arrangements for the Plenary. Local resource mobilisation activities were, however, continuing. According to Sr. Mwawasi, the Episcopal Conference of Malawi has allowed the religious women to carry out Sunday collections, in parishes, for the event.

“Activities are still underway to raise more funds to meet the budget. However, the Secretary-General is grateful to the Bishops, all Catholics and well-wishers who have generously contributed to the funding raising activities,” she said.

She added, “While thanking the people for their generosity, we once again appeal to all Catholics and people of goodwill to support the activities financially since the Preparations Committee is still fundraising to cover the budget.” 

ACWECA President, Sr. Rosalia Sakayombo SHS
ACWECA President, Sr. Rosalia Sakayombo SHS

Revitalising consecrated life

Malawi will host at least 200 delegates during the Plenary. These include the ACWECA executive board, staff, and the council of delegates, which has voting rights.

A team of observers comprising representatives of the International Union of Superiors Generals (UISG), religious women from outside the ACWECA region, and donor partners are also expected at the Assembly. 

“After a colourful official opening Mass on 19 August at Lilongwe’s CIVO Stadium, the major part of the Plenary Assembly shall be the discussions of the theme: ‘Transformative holistic formation for authentic living towards a deeper evangelization in the ACWECA region and beyond.’ Then, we will also celebrate the Golden Jubilee,” Sr. Mwawasi said.

Some of the topics to be discussed during the Plenary Assembly include revitalising consecrated life and religious identity today and holistic religious formation in view of living the congregations’ charism and gospel values. Other topics include mental health and self-care in religious congregations. 

ACWECA Board members in one of their sessions
ACWECA Board members in one of their sessions









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05 July 2024, 17:57