Aftermath of Israeli strikes on Beirut's southern suburbs Aftermath of Israeli strikes on Beirut's southern suburbs 

EU Bishops echo Pope’s call to pray for peace on October 7

European Bishops rally around Pope Francis’ and Cardinal Pizzaballa’s appeal to observe a day of prayer, penance and fasting for world peace on October 7, marking one year since Hamas' terrorist attacks on Israel that sparked the ongoing conflict.

By Lisa Zengarini

As war in the Middle East rages on one year since the brutal attacks by Hamas against Israel, threatening to set the entire region on fire, the European Bishops have joined Pope Francis’ call to pray for peace in the world on October 7.

The Pope made the appeal during the Mass opening the second session of the Synod in Rome, after the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, OFM, had invited the faithful to participate in a day of prayer, penance and fasting to mark the anniversary.  

“In this dramatic hour of our history,” Pope Francis said in his homily on October 2, “while the winds of war and the fires of violence continue to devastate entire peoples and nations,” the Christian community is reminded of its call to “put itself at the service of humanity.”

COMECE's deep sorrow for "devastating" violence and suffering

In a statement released on Thursday, 3 October, the president of Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the European Union, Bishop Mariano Crociata, reiterated COMECE’s deep concern and sorrow over the devastating waves of violence witnessed in these past twelve months.

He said the conflict has not only resulted in an unprecedented humanitarian crisis and “human suffering in all communities,” but has also generated “dangerous regional political dynamics involving an increasing number of actors.”

Concern for resurging anti-semitism

The statement also stressed the impact of the violence on Europe and the world, including the resurgence of antisemitism, radicalization, and xenophobia, which threaten social cohesion and lead to violent acts of extremism and terrorism.

Echoing Pope Francis many appeals for peace, COMECE urged all conflict parties, as well as all groups inciting violence, to refrain from any actions that could lead to further escalation and polarisation.

The Bishops again appealed for an immediate ceasefire on all fronts, for respect for international law, protection of civilians, hospitals, schools and places of worship, as well as the release of all Israeli hostages and safe, unhindered humanitarian access

Two-state solution for a long-lasting peace in the Middle East

Finally, COMECE called on the European Union and all international actors to pursue dialogue aimed at achieving a just and lasting peace in the region.

“This," the Bishops said, "should include renewed diplomatic efforts towards a two-state solution, as well as an internationally guaranteed special status for Jerusalem, “so that all Israelis and Palestinians may finally live in dignity, security, and peace.”

In conclusion, EU Bishops shared the following a prayer for peace proposed by Cardinal Pizzaballa, in view of the occasion.

Prayer for peace

Lord our God,
Father of the Lord Jesus Christ,
and Father of all mankind,
Who in the cross of Your Son
and through the gift of His own life,
at great cost You wished to destroy
the wall of enmity and hostility
that separates peoples and makes us enemies:
Send into our hearts
the gift of the Holy Spirit,
that He may purify us from every feeling
of violence, hatred and revenge,
enlighten us to understand
the irrepressible dignity
of every human person,
and inflame us to the point of consumption
for a peaceful and reconciled world
in truth and justice,
in love and freedom.
Almighty and eternal God,
in Your hands are the hopes of men
and the rights of every people:
Assist with Your wisdom those who govern us,
so that, with Your help,
they will become sensitive to the sufferings of the poor
and of those who suffer the consequences
of violence and war;
may they promote the common good and lasting peace
in our region
and throughout the earth.
Virgin Mary, Mother of Hope,
obtain the gift of peace
for the Holy Land that gave birth to you
and for the whole world. Amen.

Cardinal Nichols also pleading  for prayer and fasting on 7 October

Separately, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, President of the Bishops’ Conference England and Wales (CBCEW), has also invited the faithful to participate in the day of prayer for peace on 7 October.

He has encouraged priests to respond to Pope Francis' and Cardinal Pizzaballa's requests in an appropriate way in their parishes, including the recitation of the Rosary.

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04 October 2024, 14:22