File photo of Pope Francis waving to the faithful in St. Peter's Square File photo of Pope Francis waving to the faithful in St. Peter's Square  (ANSA)

Pope's audiences temporarily suspended in July for summer break

Pope Francis' audiences will be suspended in July for the summer break and are set to resume in August, with the final Wednesday General Audience taking place on 28 June.

By Vatican News staff reporter

In keeping with custom during the summer season, all of Pope Francis' audiences - including the General Audiences and those with particular groups - will be temporarily suspended throughout the month of July.

The Prefecture of the Papal Household made this announcement through a statement released by the Holy See Press Office.

Papal audiences will resume in August, with the first General Audience scheduled for Wednesday, 9 August.

The final Audience before the summer break, which takes place on Wednesday, 28 June, in St. Peter's Square, marks the first General Audience following the Holy Father's recent hospitalization at Gemelli Hospital for surgery on an abdominal hernia.

The Director of the Holy See Press Office, Matteo Bruni, had announced the cancellation of last Wednesday's scheduled Audience on 21 June in order to allow the Holy Father to rest and recover from his 7 June surgery.

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27 June 2023, 11:42