Pope Francis receives religious in Rome for their General Chapters Pope Francis receives religious in Rome for their General Chapters  (VATICAN MEDIA Divisione Foto)

Pope to religious: 'Take decisive steps to follow Christ'

Pope Francis encourages religious gathered in Rome for their General Chapters to take "decisive steps in following Christ" and look at the Blessed Virgin Mary as a model.

By Deborah Castellano Lubov

Take decisive steps in following Christ and listen to His voice.

Pope Francis offered this encouragement as he met on Thursday with the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary and the Sisters of the Divine Savior, on the occasion of the General Chapters.

“Like the disciples,” he said, “you are called to listen to the voice of Jesus, to deepen in your contemplation and to be capable of living and announcing the love of God incarnate in Him, particularly through service in favor of those most in need and also through Eucharistic and reparative prayer.”

“Only by following Christ with fidelity and docility will your structures" and through "the dissemination of the spiritual and historical heritage of your Congregations,” he observed, will "you be able to enjoy a renewed spring that will make your charism shine in the current moment of the history of humanity.”

Following Christ

Given this, Pope Francis invited them to a careful listening to the will of God, “which is not easy,” and “to take decisive steps in following Christ."

This, he clarified, does not consist only "in learning a doctrine," but also "in taking on a way of life.”

The Holy Father assured the consecrated religious of his closeness and prayer "that they may renew themselves through a discernment inspired and sustained by the values of the Gospel," and that, in their hearts, “their desire to live united to Jesus and remain faithful to the foundational charism may intensify.”

Need for Prayer

The Holy Father urged them “to stop for a long time in prayer, especially during these days of the Chapter,” noting that, there, in the Cenacle, is where "the fire of the Spirit is nourished."

“From there,” he highlighted, “you will be able to set out again to ignite the world with His love, serving those in need and giving hope back to the discouraged.”

Blessed Mother’s example

Mary, the Holy Father said, teaches us this with her example.

“I would like to conclude by remembering a characteristic trait of the Madonna: she never shows herself, but always Jesus. ‘Do whatever He tells you.’ This is the Madonna: she points to Jesus, always. Never to herself.”

“This is the Madonna: she points to Jesus, always. Never to herself.”

Pope Francis concluded by thanking the religious for the visit and imparting upon them his Apostolic Blessing.

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19 September 2024, 11:00