Meeting with the Presidents and Coordinators of the Continental Assemblies of the Synod Meeting with the Presidents and Coordinators of the Continental Assemblies of the Synod 

Cardinal Grech: Synodal path is to walk together

A two-day meeting with the Presidents and Coordinators of the Continental Assemblies of the Synod on preparations for the Continental Assemblies concluded today. The Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, Cardinal Mario Grech, said listening to everyone and excluding no one is part of the synodal journey.

By Vatican News Staff writer

The meeting of the Presidents and Coordinators of the Continental Assemblies to prepare the second stage of the synodal process 2021-2024, concluded Tuesday morning after two days of discussions.

The meeting was held in the offices of the Synod's General Secretariat. In a statement released by the Holy See Press Office, Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, expressed his “gratitude and wonder” for the assembly: “I have heard the testimony of a living Church!"

“The sharing of these days shows that the journey is already well underway and that we have much to learn from each other,” the Cardinal continued. “I have great hope for our task, which is and remains first and foremost evangelisation: the proclamation of the good news of Jesus Christ. This is the synodal path.”

The Cardinal also noted the importance of including and listening to everyone, “because sometimes the Church is present where we did not think we would find it.”

Meeting with the Pope

On 28 November, Pope Francis welcomed the participants of the Continental Assemblies of the Synod for a private audience.

The meeting, described as having a “fraternal” atmosphere, lasted two hours.

Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, Archbishop of Luxembourg and General Relator of the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, delivered the opening address to the Holy Father, thanking him “for taking the time to receive us and to give us your advice for the synodal process.”

“With this stage of the Synod we are, in fact,” the Cardinal continued, "experiencing a first universal dimension of the process. This stage says, in fact, that the different Churches must not be isolated in their journey and the circular dialogue of the continental assemblies will benefit the Churches of all continents.”

Cardinal Hollerich noted that a synodality that “wants to be Catholic needs the care and advice of Peter." Addressing the Pope directly, he added, “We need you, because we need a healthy indifference that bears witness to freedom in the Spirit, but then because we also notice some temptations on this road.”

The General Rapporteur of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops then spoke about a “temptation” that we sometimes see in the media: the temptation of “politicisation” in the Church and of the Church.

Continuing in his address, the Cardinal said “some have an agenda for the reform of the Church; they know very well what needs to be done and want to use the Synod for that purpose: this is instrumentalizing the Synod. This is politicising.”

Conversely, those who are on the “opposite side, or the "indietristi” (only looking to the past) do not understand that a “true Catholic tradition evolves even though it remains a tradition in its time. They too would like to put the brakes on the Synod process.”

Those participating in the meeting of the Presidents and Coordinators of the Continental Assemblies, rather desire to “be able to enter into a true discernment, an apostolic discernment, so that the synodal Church can carry out its mission in the world,” the Cardinal said.

Walking together, with the Pope, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus, is thus necessary “in order to mend our Church,” Cardinal Hollerich stated at the end of his address.

After Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich’s address, the participants of the continental assemblies took turns to present the outcomes of the process underway in their respective continents or regions.

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29 November 2022, 15:40