Relatives and friends of the two murdered Jesuits attend a Mass Relatives and friends of the two murdered Jesuits attend a Mass  (EDGARD GARRIDO)

Plan for peace in Mexico

The Mexican Bishops Conference has announced a third and vital stage of the National Peace Dialogue, to address and overcome ongoing and chronic nationwide violence perpetrated by organized crime.

By James Blears

Listen to James Blears' report

The initiative is in remembrance of the June 20th 2022 murders of Jesuit Priests Javier Campos Morales aged 79 and 80 year old Joaquin Cesar Mora Salazar.

Gunmen burst into a church, located in the remote Tarahumara Mountain Range in Western Mexico, and gunned them down.

Their murders deeply shocked a nation already grievously traumatized by killings, which often as not go uninvestigated and unpunished.

The Mexican Bishops Conference says: ''The murders of Father Javier and Father Joaquin made us re-define the pain of the souls throughout many parts of Mexico and to build a Movement with peace as its harmony, with the many victims of violence as its starting point.''

The nationwide violence has and continues to claim thousands of lives and many more have vanished permanently.

That unremitting violence continued in the run up to the June 2nd Presidential Election and other simultaneous elections, as more than twenty candidates were slain. 

The proposals involve starting local peace projects.

The seven aims are: Reconstruction of social identity, security, justice, prisons, youth, governance and human rights. Also cracking down on impunity - getting away with murder and other crimes - which will  be a top priority.

The people of Mexico deserve nothing less. 

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21 June 2024, 14:26