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Vatican News



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Pope Francis sends a message to an international Conference on Sports and Spirituality in which he reiterates his belief the “amateur” spirit must never be lacking in sports as it preserves the genuine values of competition. 

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The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith releases a document detailing new norms regarding cases of reported supernatural phenomena. As a rule, neither the ... 

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The Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith responds to journalists about the "Medjugorje case" during the press conference presenting the new ... 

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Our Editorial Director reflects on the New Norms on Alleged Supernatural Phenomena released by the Dicastery for the Doctine of the Faith. 

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In Vittorio Messori’s "The Ratzinger Report" the future Benedict XVI speaks about the norms for discerning alleged supernatural phenomena. These same norms are ... 

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A statement on the meeting of the Viet Nam-Holy See Joint Working Group reaffirms good bilateral relations between the parties and highlights how the Catholic ... 

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Bartholomew I of Constantinople speaks to Vatican News about ecological conversion. He also discusses the wars in Ukraine and Gaza, and the ecumenical ... 

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The Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem enters the besieged Gaza Strip bringing the closeness of the Church to the people and offering a message of solidarity and ... 

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In this week's news from the Eastern Churches, produced in collaboration with L'Œuvre d'Orient, Armenian faithful hold four days of demonstrations, Lebanon ... 

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The Pan African Episcopal Committee for Social Communications (CEPACS) has published and released the final document of its Golden Jubilee assembly, which was ... 

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Sr. Viktoriya Andrushchyshyna rescues childhoods destroyed by war. She distributes drops of kindness in frontier areas, where her angels of joy travel to cities ... 

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The United Nations humanitarian aid chief, Martin Griffiths, has defended the organisations' use of casualty figures during the ongoing conflict in Gaza. 


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